Are You Ready to Double Your Annuity production...? Apply Below

Applying is a 2-step process:

  • Apply: fill out the questionnaire below
  • Schedule Discovery Call: click on the link below the questionnaire to schedule your call
Almost Complete...

Step 1: Apply Now

Consistent annuity production per year of fixed and indexed annuities? (PICK ONE)

Step 1: Don't forget to hit Submit.

Do you feel lucky? Do you? Go ahead. Hit it. Make my day.
Step 2: Schedule Your Call

You're Going to Love this!

Independent, but Not alone, for a better future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What's the Process?
Our exclusive R.O.A.D.M.A.P. workbook & process
Daily accountability team (texting)
Weekly group check-in calls to discuss victories, challenges, insights and questions from your ROADMAP workbook journey
Bi-weekly one-on-one personalized coaching calls with either Eric or Catherine (depending on need)
Private Facebook & Chat Group for everyone to talk and share questions and ideas.
What's included?
1: Weekly coaching for a FULL year ($6,000 value)
2: Daily community groups (priceless)
3: GAD ROADMAP workbook & system ($1,000 value)
5: 1 yr access to Indexalyzer or LB Calc ($700 value)
6: Action notes of Jay Abraham, Michael Gerber, Ice-T, Martha Stewart, Dan Kennedy & more ($497 value)
7: The Speakers Game - find your voice ($497 value)
8: Becoming a Celebrity Advisor (branding) ($497 value)
9: How to write a book and become a best seller ($249 value)
10: LinkedIn SEO & Profile Audit ($99 value)
11: Access to Eric's resource blackbook (priceless)
12: Access to invite only special guests sessions (priceless)
13: Access to future Affiliate Program (priceless)
14: Access to future Agent Mentoring Program (priceless)
15: Access to Annuity Referral Network (priceless)

$9,539+ value

What's the Cost?
$1,000 + 100% of your (non-registered) annuity contracts so business is placed through us for the calendar year. You STILL make your full commission. 
OR $500 per month (no contracts)
Is Travel Required?
No. All sessions will be held online or by phone.
How does the Guarantee work?
If you fully commit to the process and still don't double your production in 12 months, then we will refund your money.
What if I change my mind?
We ask that everyone commit to a full year. If not, the fee is lost after 30 days, but you don't have stay in the group. As always, there's an open release policy on contracts for anyone not in the group.
Is there a Benefit to Referring Others into the Mastermind?
YES, everyone you refer who joins, puts $100 in your pocket.
Copyright 2020-2023 Guaranteed Annuity Doubler™. All rights reserved.